Dr. Dan DaSilva is a neuropsychologist with specialties in aviation and pediatric neuropsychology. He earned his doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University, a masters of education in Counseling Psychology from The University of Massachusetts at Boston, and bachelor’s degree in psychology from Boston College. He completed specialized neuropsychology training through the Veteran’s Administration in a consortium with UMDNJ and University Hospital in Newark, NJ.
A significant portion of his practice is devoted to neuropsychological and psychological assessments of pilots and air traffic controllers. He serves as a neuropsychology consultant to the Federal Air Surgeon of the Federal Aviation Administration and is an external consultant for several major airlines. He has presented at national and international conferences and symposia on the subject of aviation neuropsychology and has been accepted by the National Transportation Safety Board as qualified to provide expert testimony in aviation neuropsychology at NTSB hearings.
Dr. DaSilva is also a neuropsychological consultant to the pediatric neuro-oncology and pediatric seizure disorder programs at Morristown Medical Center and at Overlook Medical Center in Atlantic Healthcare’s Neurosciences Institute. He has extensive experience in the evaluation of pediatric neurocognitive disorders including those resulting from traumatic brain injury, cancer, infections, and developmental disorders, as well as the full range of learning disabilities. Following the evaluations, Dr. DaSilva can assist in coordinating interventions with parents, schools, and treating clinicians. Dr. DaSilva also has extensive experience in providing consultation services to both school districts and parents in education law cases and has testified before the Office of Administrative Law.
Dr. DaSilva is a lecturer at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education where he teaches functional neuroanatomy and neuropsychology. He is currently serving on the New Jersey Psychological Association’s Executive Board, has served on a number of state association committees, and is past chair of the Council on Legislative Affairs. He is a member of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, American Psychological Association, New Jersey Psychological Association, Aerospace Medical Association, and the Aerospace Human Factors Association.
Dr. DaSilva holds the rank of Major in the Civil Air Patrol, US Air Force Auxiliary, where he serves as a squadron Health Services and Safety Officer. He also serves on the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team for the New Jersey Wing of the Civil Air Patrol.
973-257-9000 ext. 205