Leadership & Trust, by Dr. Kenneth Freundlich

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche For much of our country’s history, we held a myth of honesty.  From George Washington, who supposedly said, “I cannot tell a lie,” when asked if chopped down the family cherry tree to Abraham…

Coping with Loss of Ability, By Dr. Hayley Hirschmann

Every day people around us are struck with a sudden or gradual loss of ability. Sometimes they are young, often they are older. The losses arise from various issues, such as cardiac conditions, Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, brain injuries, stroke, injuries leading to chronic pain, aging and the list goes on. You undoubtedly know, love…

Scheduling Sex: DO IT! By Alexis Stein, L.C.S.W

As a relationship and couples therapist, I see the same story all too often. The pressures of everyday life leave no time to nurture the relationship, and as a result, sex becomes less frequent, if not non-existent. Couples come in wanting their sex lives to resume some regularity, but it’s not always as simple as…