Behavioral Finance, By Kenneth Freundlich, Ph.D.

Traditional economists often assert the stock market to be “efficient,” meaning prices accurately reflect value. Theoretically, this makes sense because most people will not buy something if the price is higher than they think it is worth. Underlying this view is the assumption that all information relevant to stock prices is available to potential buyers…

Coming To Terms With An Aging Parent, by Jeffrey Singer, Ph.D.

“During times of prosperity, be joyful, and in times of misfortune, know that the source is the same.” -Ecclesiastes chapter 7, verse 14 Perhaps one of the last few remaining taboo topics is recognizing the universal distress we adult children experience watching our parents succumb to the rigors of aging. Despite having nearly four decades of experience working with people in…

Me Versus  ChatGPT: Is AI Getting Too Smart?
By Nathan McClelland

I began writing my new blog, focusing on recent developments in social media. It was all planned out. I was going to discuss the value of apps like Instacart, Venmo, Doordash, and Instagram. These apps facilitate communication, improve efficiency, access rapid information, and provide on-demand entertainment. I was also planning to discuss the potentially massive…