Family Meetings: An Antidote to Stressors of Family Life? by Dr. Jayne Walco

School projects, soccer practice, music lessons, doctor appointments, two careers, childcare arrangements, carpools, meal preparation, chores, battles over screen-time…family life can be quite stressful. Finding time to connect has become increasingly challenging and instituting a weekly family meeting can help provide a remedy to this seeming chaos. There are numerous potential benefits of holding family…

Grit, for lack of a better word, is good: Putting the research into practice, by Dr. Nathan McClelland

There’s no debate that we live in an age where more and more options for after-school activities and areas for specialization exist.  Budding rock climber? Sure –; the next Steve Jobs? Try this –  Possibilities are endless, but also potentially overwhelming, and it’s impossible to try it all. So what do we tell…

Selective Mutism, By Dr. Carly Orenstein

The month of September is difficult for many children- the fear of a new classroom, new classmates, and a routine of long school days and homework after the summer make many dread the month. In September, many students are shy with their new teachers. But what happens when this initial shyness does not dissipate at…

Calm Your Mind in 60 Seconds by Toby Dauber, LCSW

Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder and former director of the stress reduction clinic at University of Massachusetts, helped bring mindfulness mediation into mainstream medicine and has skillfully demonstrated the improvements and positive outcome that people adopt when they practice mindfulness.   For quite a while, I have made a commitment to take the time to put daily…