Thoughts on Leadership, by Dr. Kenneth Freundlich

“It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favour of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.” H. L. Mencken As someone who is interested in the psychology of leadership, I find politics fascinating.  More accurately, I find politicians fascinating and as…

Weight loss without dieting, by Dr. Joanne Van Nest

If you’re not satisfied with your body image, you’re not alone. Research indicates that 90% of females (girls and women) and 75% of males (boys and men) are dissatisfied with their weight. With Memorial Day and bathing suit season approaching, many people get increasingly anxious about losing weight. Often, they resort to drastic diets promising…

Coping with Anger, by Dr. Jeffrey Singer

Anger is a naturally occurring emotion that ranges from mild annoyance to furious rage. There is great potential upside to anger. Anger can enable perseverance in the face of obstacles, mobilize resources to take corrective action, fuel resilience, be a guardian of self-esteem, and can potentiate the ability to redress grievances. However, the benefits of…

Hypnosis With Children, by Richard B. Dauber, Ph.D.

Having a specialty in clinical hypnosis, I am often asked about doing hypnosis with children. Research has shown that children make excellent hypnotic subjects. In fact, they are typically more easily hypnotizable than adults. Kids have very active and creative imaginations, and therefore, usually learn hypnosis more quickly than adults because they can rapidly enter…

Pediatric Neuropsychology by Daniel DaSilva, Ph.D.

Pediatric neuropsychologists are often asked by parents when a child would ever need this kind of evaluation. Other common questions center on not knowing why a physician has made the referral or not knowing why the evaluation is needed in addition to the traditional child study team assessments. The simplest definition of neuropsychological assessment describes…

Understanding OCD, by Francine Rosenberg, Psy.D.

Consider the phrase, “just in case.” For many individuals, these three short words may bring about the image of a person who is ultimately prepared in life. They cause parents of young children to carry snacks and band aids every time they leave the house and others to grab an umbrella on a cloudy day.…