Dr. Francine Rosenberg was quoted in the Lupus Foundation of America’s Lupus Now Magazine
Clinical psychologist Dr. Francine Rosenberg was featured in Lupus Now the offical Magazine of the Lupus Foundation of America. Click here to read the entire article: Lupus – Best Friends
Possible Disruption in Telephone Service on May 1, 2015
As as result of our expansion, on Friday May 1, 2015, there may be a temporary disruption in our telephone service. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dr. Larisa Wainer recently spoke at St. Barnabas Medical Center
On Wednesday April 22, 2015, Dr. Larisa Wainer presented “Mindful Medical Practice: Improving Well-Being of Practitioners and Patients” at the St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, New Jersey. For more information, please call Dr. Wainer at 973-25…
Dr. Daniel Watter is now President of The Society for Sex Therapy and Research
Morris Psychological Group congratulates Dr. Daniel N. Watter, who was recently installed as President of The Society for Sex Therapy and Research. SSTAR is an international organization of sex therapists and researchers that was founded in 1975. Dr. W…
Dr. Richard Dauber named to NJP-PAC Board
Dr. Richard Dauber has been appointed to the Board of Trustees of for the New Jersey Psychology Political Action Committee. NJP-PAC is a bipartisan organization that allows the voice of psychology to be heard in Trenton.
Dr. Daniel Watter recently presented at the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health
Dr. Daniel N. Watter recently presented a workshop entitled, “Sex Therapy for the Primary Care Physician” at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. The meeting was held February 19-22 in Austin, Texas.
Dr. Francine Rosenberg has been named a partner at MPG
Morris Psychological Group is pleased to announce that Dr. Francine Rosenberg has been named as our newest partner. Dr. Rosenberg, a clinical psychologist and anxiety specialist, has been with MPG for 10 years . According to Dr. Kenneth Freundlich, m…
Dr. Larisa Wainer’s recent article on insomnia was published in Parent Guide News
DO YOU HAVE INSOMNIA? Overcoming sleeplessness Almost everyone has occasional trouble sleeping. Stress, anxiety, indigestion, jet lag or any number of other things might keep us tossing and turning restlessly once in a while. But for 60 million America…
Dr. Kenneth Freundlich was recently named NJPA 2015 President
Morris Psychological Group congratulates our own Dr. Kenneth Freundlich on his recent election to become New Jersey Psychological Association’s 2015 President. Dr. Freundlich has been a member of NJPA for over 25-years and he has previously served on…
Dr. Francine Rosenberg was recently published in Parent Guide News
Dr. Francine Rosenber’s recent article, “What is Trichotillomania?” was just published in the Parent Guide News. Click here to read Dr. Rosenberg’s article: http://www.parentguidenews.com/Articles/WhatisTrichotillomania