Treating Depression: New Research on What Works

About 1 in 5 adults in the United States suffers one or more depressive episodes over a lifetime, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Depression is a serious, disabling illness. It affects an individual’s ability to work, study, sleep, eat and enjoy activities once found pleasurable. Depression can be treated with psychotherapy or…


ADHD & Bullying

ADHD & Bullying: Dr. Ashley Gorman Examines the Role of Bullying in Addressing ADHD and Offers Tips for Parents Bullying has serious consequences for both victim and bully.  And while there is no single factor that is responsible for making a child either a bully or the target of bullies, children with attention deficit hyperactivity…


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: New Research on Dogs Yields Benefits for People

Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects about 2 million Americans, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. OCD is a distressing and often disabling condition characterized by overwhelming anxiety that drives the need to check things repeatedly or to perform certain rituals over and over. OCD is generally treated with psychotherapy, medication or both.   “Unfortunately, many…


Parents: Act Now to Prevent Substance Abuse Later

The numbers of adolescents who experiment with alcohol and drugs increases and decreases from year to year as does the prevalence of various drugs. Older drugs fade in popularity, newer ones – most recently, bath salts and synthetic marijuana – gain prominence among teenagers and some long-standing constants —  alcohol, marijuana, non-medical use of prescription…
